
by Zeynep Gecu-Parmaksiz

ClassDojo is a communication platform that can be used to create an informative and collaborative learning environment with students, teachers, and parents. It can also function as a digital student portfolio that teachers, students, and families can access throughout the school year, and is easy for all users to navigate.

In order to use ClassDojo, an account will need to be created by choosing the proper user type. If you create a profile as a teacher, by clicking into your Settings, you can manage your profile, password, school, class, language, region, or comments settings. Students can use ClassDojo with their school-provided email accounts, or by logging into ClassDojo with a QR code or text code. Once you have created a teacher account, the next step is to create a new class. After that, you can fill out your virtual teaching environment by adding students’ names, forming groups, inviting families, and assigning activities. While creating activities, teachers can specify acceptable response types, including text, video, photo, drawing, or a worksheet file. Moreover, teachers can add video for presenting the instructions for students. After students scan the code given by their teachers, they can join their virtual classroom and complete their assignments by writing text, taking photos, recording themselves working or speaking, or drawing, and then sending it to their teacher after completing their work. When students have completed their assigned work, the teacher will receive a notification. They can then give feedback and make comments on each portfolio item, and after their approval, these items will be shared with the student and their family. Activities can be assigned to the whole class or to individual students. For example, teachers can assign different activities to meet students’ various needs. Furthermore, ClassDojo provides extra features such as tracking attendance, a work timer, a toolkit for creating student groups, the ability to share Big Ideas, background music, providing classroom directions, and more, making it an excellent tool for classroom management in addition to consolidating work and maintaining communication with students’ families. Teachers can send messages to students’ families through the ClassDojo application. In this way, parents receive personalized communication and more frequent updates about their kids. Moreover, teachers can create a Class Story to share classroom moments, photos, and other updates with parents.

ClassDojo is a free platform for teachers, schools and families, and it does not permit third-party advertisers. The ClassDojo website also provides training opportunities and support resources for users looking to get started!

ClassDojo is an incredible tool for connecting students, teachers, and families by creating an enjoyable and engaging learning environment. Are you already using ClassDojo or another similar tool? Let us know!


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