As a research lab, we have several exciting projects on the go at any given time.
To explore our research further visit our Research & Publications page for more information on our referred journal publications, conference proceedings, books, media and more.
The recent TikTok School Challenge highlights the negative and risky behaviours which can result from social media use. It is against this backdrop that we invite all teachers and students in grades 7-12 to join the #WeStopScrolling Challenge today.
The challenge will provide youth with an opportunity to use social media to address a social issue of importance to them and the findings from the research we will conduct based on the challenge will inform the development of a new conceptual framework for digital citizenship that includes digital activism as a key component.
Teachers will receive free training on using social media for activism and creating on social media for a cause. There will also be further professional learning opportunities for interested teachers on topics like critical digital citizenship. Participating students will have a chance to win Indigo or Decathlon Canada gift cards!
TEACHER INFORMATION SESSION – October 14th, 2021 (4:30-5:30pm)
In our modern society, the definition of literacy goes beyond the ability to read and write, and now includes the computational skills and social processes necessary to responsibly consume and produce digital texts across a range of media. Funded by a grant from the SSHRC Insight program, “Making Minds” seeks to investigate the relationship between maker pedagogies and the development of adolescent digital literacies and identities for students who live in poverty. Find out more about our research Making Minds: Digital Maker Education for Literacies Learning with Marginalized Youth
made possible by the Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)
Despite the recent emphasis on developing students’ global competencies and digital literacies to promote meaningful participation in Canadian society, various issues at the board- and school-level have prevented widespread implementation of digital technologies for teaching and learning. This creates a disconnect between students’ in-school and out-of-school learning experiences. Explore our There’s an App for That: Designing, Developing, Implementing, and Researching Educational Apps
research for more information. (made possible by the Ontario Research Fund (ORF))
Our past and completed research can be found on our Completed Research page.