Articles in Refereed Journals (77)
Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings (41)
Other Refereed Contributions (Conferences) (127)
Books (4)
Non-refereed contributions (12)
Chapters Authored (28)
Media and Media Productions (5)
Invited Presentations & Keynote Addresses (48)
Book Reviews (2)
Publication Details:
Articles in Refereed Journals
Published / Accepted / In Press:
- Hughes, J., Morrison, L., & Robb, J. (2022). Making STEAM-based professional learning: A four-year design-based research study. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 47(3), 1-24.
- Hughes, J., Robb, J. A., Hagerman, M. S., Laffier, J., & Cotnam-Kappel, M. (2022). What makes a maker teacher? Examining key characteristics of two maker educators. International Journal of Educational Research Open, 3, 100118.
- Morrison, L., Robb, J.A., Hughes, J., & Lam, M. (2021). Social presence in virtual professional learning. Journal of Digital Life and Learning, 1(1), 93-110.
- Hughes, J., Morrison, L. & Robb, J. (2021). ‘Virtually’ a maker: Making in an online graduate course. International Journal on Innovations in Online Education, 4(4), 1-18. DOI:1615/IntJInnovOnlineEdu.2020037132
- Hughes, J. & Morrison, L. (2020). Innovative learning spaces in the making. Frontiers in Education, STEM Education, DOI:
- Froome, H. Townson, C., Rhodes, S., Franco-Arellano, B., Lesage, A., Savaglio, R., Brown, J., Hughes, J., Kapralos, B. & Arcand, J. (2020). The Effectiveness of the Foodbot Factory Mobile Serious Game on Increasing Nutrition Knowledge in Children. Nutrients: Nutrition, Education and Dietetics, 12, 3413.
- Hughes J., Robb J.A., Lam M. (2020) Designing and Learning with IoT in a Passion-Based Constructionist Context. In: Brooks A., Brooks E. (eds) Interactivity, Game Creation, Design, Learning, and Innovation. ArtsIT 2019, DLI 2019. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, vol 328. Springer, Cham.
- Scucuglia, R., Gadanidis, G., Rondini, C., Borba, M. & Hughes, J. (2020). Sensitive-Computational Thinking of Pre-service mathematics teachers on nested loops. Perspectives on Mathematics Education, 13(32), 1- 18. doi: 10.46312/pem.v13i32.10025
- Brown, J., Savaglio, R., Watson, G., Kaplansky, A, LeSage, A., Hughes, J., Kapralos, B., Arcand, J. (2020). Development of the foodbot factory mHealth app for child nutrition education: Design, formative evaluation, and user-testing. JMIR Formative Research, 4(4), 1-14.
- Maas, M. & Hughes, J. (2020). Virtual, augmented and mixed reality in K-12 education: A review of the literature. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 29(2), 231-249. DOI:10.1080/1475939X.2020.1737210
- Scucuglia, R., Gadanidis, G., Hughes, J., & Namukasa, I. (2020). Computational thinking as a heuristic endeavour: students’ solutions of coding problems. Pro-Posições, 31, e20180034. Epub 10 de agosto de 2020.
- Hughes, J., Robb, J., Lam, M. (2019). Making future-ready students with design and the internet of things. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Creative Technologies, 6(21), 1-9.
- Hughes, J., Morrison, L., Mamolo, A., Laffier, J., & de Castell, S. (2019). Addressing bullying through critical making. British Journal of Education, 50(1), 309-325.
- Hughes, J. & Morrison, L., Mamolo, A., Laffier, J. & de Castell (2018). Full STEAM Ahead: Transforming Learning in Ontario One Makerspace at a Time. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50(1), 309-325.
- Hughes, J. & Morrison, L. (2018). Works of Heart: Revisiting Creativity and Innovation through Maker Pedagogies. Spark: UAL Creative Teaching and Learning Journal, 3(2), 150-160.
- Hughes, J., Morrison, L. (2018). Teaching Critical Visual Literacies Through #Selfies. Jeunesse: young people, texts, cultures, 10(1), 9-41.
- Hughes, J. & Morrison, L. (2018). The Use of E-Textiles in Ontario Education. Canadian Journal of Education, 41(1), 543-571.
- Hughes, J. & Maas, M. (2018). Developing 21st Century Competencies of Marginalized Students through the Use of Augmented Reality (AR). Learning Landscapes Special Issue, 11(1), 153-170.
- Hughes, J., & Morrison, L. (2018). Works of heart: Revisiting creativity and innovation through maker pedagogies, UAL Spark Journal, 3(2), 150-160.
- Hughes, J., & Morrison, L. (2018). The use of e-textiles in Ontario education. Canadian Journal of Education, 41(1), 356-384.
- Burke, A. & Hughes, J. (2017). A Shifting Landscape: Using Tablets to Support Learning in Students with Diverse Abilities. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 26(1), 1-16.
- Hughes, J., Burke, A. & Morrison, L. (2017). The Adolescent Bricoleur: Constructing identities through social networking sites. International Journal of Social Media and Interactive Learning Environments, 5(2), 87-107.
- Hughes, J. (2017). Meaningful Making: Establishing a Makerspace in your school or classroom. What Works? Research into Practice. Literacy Numeracy Secretariat. Ontario Ministry of Education, Toronto: Queen’s Printer.
- Hughes, J. (2017). Digital Making with “At-Risk” Youth. The International Journal of Information and Learning Technology, 34(2), 102-113. DOI 10.1108/IJILT-08-2016-0037
- Hughes, J. & Laffier, J. (2016). Portrayals of the Bully, Bullied and Bystander in YA Fiction: Considerations for Schools. Canadian Journal of Education, 39(3), 1-24.
- Hughes, J., Gadanidis, G. & Yiu, C. (2016). Digital making in mathematics education? Digital Experiences in Mathematics Education, 3(2), 139-153. Available at:
- Gadanidis, G., Borba, M., Hughes, J. and Lacerda, H. (2016). Designing aesthetic experiences for young mathematicians: A model for mathematics education reform. International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 6(2), 225-244.
- Gadanidis, G., Hughes, J., Minniti, L., White, B. (2016). Computational Thinking, Grade 1 Students and the Binomial Theorem. Digital Experience in Mathematics Education. 9 May, pp. 1-20. Springer. Available online:
- Burke, A., Hughes, J. & Sanson, R. (2015). Libraries and the New Digital Frontier: Support for Communities and Classrooms. Against the Grain, v27, #3. Available online at:
- Hughes, J. & Morrison, L. (2015). The Evolution of Teaching with Graphic Novels, Jeunesse: young people, texts, cultures, 6(2), 116-127.
- Petrarca, D. & Hughes, J. (2014). Mobilizing Knowledge Via Documentary Filmmaking: Is the Academy Ready? McGill Journal of Education – Special Issue Focus: Multimedia in/as scholarship, 49(3), 561-582.
- Hughes, J. & Morrison, L. (2014). At The Intersection of Critical Digital Literacies, YAL and Literature Circles. ALAN Review, 42(1), 35-43.
- Hughes, J. & Morrison, L. (2014). What Impacts Oral Language and Writing Development for Postmodern English Language Learners: The Intersection of Bi-cultural Identity, Social Networking and a Multiliteracies Pedagogy. In S. Taylor (Ed.) Writing & Pedagogy Special Issue: Children’s Writing: Perspectives on Teaching and Learning, 6(3), 607-631.
- Hughes, J., Morrison, L. & Hoogland, C. (2014). You Don’t Know Me: Adolescent Identity Development Through Poetry Performance. In Education: Special Issue on Poetic Inquiry, 20(2), 59-77.
- Eamer, A., Hughes, J. & Morrison, L. (2014). Breaking Barriers: Exploring Bi-Cultural Identities through Social Media. Multicultural Education Review, 6(1), 49-78.
- Burke, A., Hughes, J., Thompson, S. & Hardware, S. (2013). Adolescents as Agents of Change: Digital Text-Making for Social Justice. Education Matters, 1(2). Available at:
- Hughes, J. & Morrison, L. (2013). Using Facebook to Explore Adolescent Identities. Special Issue: Facebook in Education, International Journal of Social Media and Interactive Learning Environments, 1(4), 370-386.
- Hughes, J., Thompson, S., & Burke, A. (2013). The Writing is on my Wall: Engagement and LearNING through Social Networking. The International Journal of Technologies in Learning, 19(3), 107-118.
- Hughes, J. & Thompson, S. (2013). ImMEDIAte Gratification: Examining the Use of Mobile Devices in Adolescents’ In-School and Out-of-School Lives. Learning Landscapes Special Issue: Teaching and Learning in the Digital World, 6(2), pp. 185-205.
- Morrison, L. & Hughes, J. (2013). Poetry Apps for iPad and Android OSs. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 56(5), 419-422.
- Robertson, L. & Hughes, J. (2012). Surfacing the assumptions: Pursuing critical literacy and social justice in preservice teacher education. Brock Education, 22(2), 73-92.
- Hughes, J. & Robertson, L. (2011). Teachers as Moral Compasses: Exploring Critical Literacy through Digital Social Justice Book Talks. Language and Literacy Special Issue: Ethical and Social Justice Issues in Language and Literacy Research, 13(2), 23-36. Available at:
- Robertson, L. & Hughes, J. (2011). Investigating Preservice Teachers’ Grasp of Critical Media Literacy. Language and Literacy Special Issue: Ethical and Social Justice Issues in Language and Literacy Research, 13(2), 37-53. Available at:
- Hughes, J. & Dymoke, S. (2011). Wiki-Ed Poetry”: Transforming Preservice Teachers’ Preconceptions About Poetry and Poetry Teaching. Journal of Adult and Adolescent Literacy, 55(1), 45-56.
- Hughes, J. & Burke, A. (2011). In Their Own Words: Considering Student Design Choice in the Assessment of Digital Text-Making. International Journal of Arts and Sciences. 4(4), 235-247.
- Hughes, J., King, A., Perkins, P. & Fuke, V. (2011). Adolescents & “Autographics”: Reading and Writing Coming-of-Age Graphic Novels. Journal of Adult and Adolescent Literacy, 54(8), 601-612.
- Gadanidis, G. & Hughes, J. (2011). Performing big math ideas across the grades. Teaching Children Mathematics, April, 2011, pp. 486-496.
- Gadanidis, G., Hughes, J. & Cordy, M. (2011). Mathematics for gifted students in an arts- and technology-rich setting. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 34(3), 397-433.
- Robertson, L. & Hughes, J. (2010). The Teachers They Are Becoming: Multiple Literacies in Teacher Pre-Service. In D. Lytras et al. (Eds.): International Journal of Knowledge Society Research, 1(2), © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 38-49.
- Hughes, J. & Robertson, L. (2010). Transforming Practice: Using Digital Video to Engage Students. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education (CITE). Special Issue: Digital Video, 10(1), 20-37. ISSN: 1528-5804. Available online at:
- Hughes, J. & King, A. (2010). Dual Pathways to Expression and Understanding: Canadian Coming-of-Age Graphic Novels. Children’s Literature in Education, 41(1), 64-84.
- Hughes, J. & Tolley, S. (2010). Engaging students through new literacies: the good, bad & curriculum of visual essays. English in Education, 44 (1), 5-16.
- Hughes, J. & Gadanidis, G. (2009). Learning as community service: Thinking with new media. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 19(3), 287-306.
- Dymoke, S. & Hughes, J. (2009). Using a poetry wiki: how can the medium support pre-service teachers of English in their professional learning about teaching poetry writing in a digital age? English Teaching: Practice and Critique, 8(3), 91-106.
- Hughes, J. (2009). New Media, New Literacies & the Adolescent Learner. E-Learning and Digital Media, Special Issue: Digital Literacies, 6(3), 259-271.
- Hughes, J. & John, A. (2009). From Page to Digital Stage: Creating Digital Performances of Poetry. Voices From the Middle, 16(3), 15-22.
- Greig, C. & Hughes, J. (2009). A boy who would rather write poetry than throw rocks at cats is also considered to be wanting in masculinity: poetry, masculinity, and baiting boys. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education. 30(1), 91-105.
- Hughes, J. (2008). Poetry and New Media: In Conversation with Four Poets. Language and Literacy, 10(2).
- Gadanidis, G., Hoogland, C. & Hughes, J. (2008). Teaching and Learning in a Web 2.0 Environment: Three Case Studies. International Journal of Technology in Teaching and Learning, 4(2), 117-133.
- Hughes, J. (2008). The Performative Pull of Research with New Media. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 7(3), 16-34.
- Gadanidis, G., Gerofsky, S. & Hughes, J. (2008). A Public Celebration of Mathematics. The Ontario Mathematics Gazette, 47(1), 13-20.
- Gadanidis, G., Hughes, J., & Borba, M. (2008). Students as Performance Mathematicians. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 14(3), 168-175.
- Hughes, J. (2008). The “Screen-Size” Art: Using Digital Media to Perform Poetry. English in Education, 42(2), 148-164.
- Hughes, J. (2007). Poetry: A Powerful Medium for Literacy and Technology Development. What Works? Research into Practice Series. The Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat.
- Hughes, J. (2007). Is That a Fact? The ‘Real’ World Through Canadian Children’s Non-Fiction. Canadian Children’s Literature, 32(1), 154-169.
- Gadanidis, G., Gadanidis, J., & Huang, A. (2005). Using humor to gain mathematical insight. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 10(5), 244-250.
- Gadanidis, J. (2004). Learning Objects, Hypermedia and the English Classroom. International Journal of the Book, (2) Common Ground Publications Ltd., Australia.
- Gadanidis, G., Gadanidis, J. & Schindler, K. (2003). Factors Mediating the Use of Online Applets in the Lesson Planning of Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers. Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching 22(4), 323-344.
Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings
- Laffier, J. & Hughes, J. (2021). ‘Making’ on the path to wellness: How the maker culture can support student wellness. In E. Langran & L. Archambault (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference(pp. 867-873). Online, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved April 7, 2021 from
- Laffier, J., Hughes, J. & Petrarca, D. (2020). What Future Teachers Think of ‘Creativity’ and What This Means for Their Future Teaching Practice. In D. Schmidt-Crawford (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference(pp. 1140-1148). Online: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved November 17, 2020 from
- Casa-Todd, J., Kay, R. & Hughes, J. (2020). Developing Digital Citizenship, Digital Literacy and Student Voice Using Social Media in K12. In Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning(pp. 550-555). Online, The Netherlands: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved November 16, 2020 from
- Kay, R., Jovanovic, P. & Hughes, J. (2020). Exploring the Benefits and Challenges of Using Wearable Technologies for K-12 Teachers: A Review of the Literature. In Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning(pp. 229-236). Online, The Netherlands: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved November 17, 2020 from
- Hughes, J., Morrison, L., Kajamaa, A. & Kumpulainen, K. (2019). Makerspaces promoting students’ design thinking and collective knowledge creation: Examples from Canada and Finland. In A. Brooks, E. Brooks & C. Sylla (Eds.), Interactivity, Game Creation, Design, Learning, and Innovation (pp. 343-352). 7th EAI In-ternational Conference, ArtsIT 2018, and 3rd EAI International Conference, DLI 2018, ICTCC 2018, Braga, Portugal, October 24–26, 2018, Proceedings. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
- Hughes, J., & Morrison, L. (2018). Perspectives on Making as a Pedagogical Approach. ICET Yearbook (pp. 41-53). ICET.
- Somanath, S., Oehlberg, L., Hughes, J., Sharlin, E. & Sousa, M. (2017). ‘Maker’ within Constraints: Exploratory Study of Young Learners using Arduino at a High School in India. In Proceedings of the CHI’17: International Conference on Human Factors in Computing, pages 96-108. ACM.
- Hughes, J., Laffier, J., Mamolo, A. & Morrison, L. (2017). Full STEAM ahead: Exploring the use of maker pedagogies in an anti-bullying initiative. In Proceedings of the International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement Conference (ICSEI).
- Hughes, J., Morrison, L., & Fridman, L. (2016). Online “Maker” Modules to Support Production Pedagogies in Education. Higher Education in Transformation (HEIT), Oshawa, Ontario.
- Hughes, J., Laffier, J., Morrison, L. & Petrarca, D. (2016). Full STEAM Ahead: Building Preservice Teachers’ Capacity in Makerspace Pedagogies. Higher Education in Transformation (HEIT), Oshawa, Ontario.
- Hughes, J. (2016). Digital Making with “At-Risk” Students. International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Education. Rhodes, Greece, July, 2016.
- Hughes, J. & Laffier, J. (2016). Exploring Preservice Teachers’ Perceptions of Bullying Through Critical Digital Literacies Lesson Design. In Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2016 (pp. 1445-1455). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
- Somanath, S., Morrison, L., Hughes, J., Sharlin, E. & Sousa, M. (2016). Engaging ‘At-Risk’ Students through Maker Culture Activities. In Proceedings of the TEI’16: Tenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction, (pp. 150–158). ACM.
- Somanath, S., Hughes, J., Sharlin, E. & Sousa, M. (2015). “The Concept of DIY as an Education Model for Indian Public Schools” Workshop ‘Designing Alternative Systems for Local Communities’ at the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’15). Seoul, Korea.
- Hughes, J., Laffier, J., Mamolo, A., Morrison, L. & Petrarca, D. (2015). Re-Imagining Pre-service Teacher Education in Ontario. Higher Education in Transformation (HEIT) Symposium, Dublin, Ireland.
- Morrison, L., Petrarca, D., Hughes, J. & Laffier, J. (2015). Co-Constructing Knowledge Through mOOC Design and Development. In D. Slykhuis & G. Marks (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2015(pp. 993-998). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
- Hughes, J. & Morrison, L. (2014). Express Yourself: Improving Literacy in Under-performing Students Through Literacy Identity Development, Mobile Devices and a Critical Digital Literacies Pedagogy. ICET.
- Eamer, A., Hughes, J. & Morrison, L. (2014). Transcending cultural borders through Ning. KAME International Conference, Seoul, Korea, 2014.
- Hughes, J. The Shift from English Methods to Critical Digital Literacies. (2014). Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Florida, March 2014.
- Hughes, J. (2014). Using Mobile Apps to Transform Teaching and Learning in Literacy. Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Florida, March 2014 (Award-Winners Session).
- Hughes, J. (2013). Connecting and Reflecting with Ning. In H. Carter, M. Gosper and J. Hedberg (Eds.), Electric Dreams. Proceedings ascilite 2013 Sydney. (pp.407-411).
- Hughes, J. & Thompson, S. (2013). Mirror, Mirror, On the Wall: Adolescents Reflecting on the Impact of Digital Media in Their Lives. The International Conference on Education, Honolulu, Hawaii.
- Hughes, J. & Morrison, L. (2012). Using Digital Literacies to Foster Globally and Culturally Sensitive Adolescence: Speaking up about injustice. International Academic Forum: Asian Conference on Education. Osaka, Japan, October, 2012.
- Hughes, J. (2012). Multiliteracies: Preparing Teachers to Teach in a Digital Age. 8th International Conference on Education. Samos Island, Greece, July 2012.
- Gadanidis, G., Borba, C., Burke, A., Hughes, J. & Scucuglia, R. (2010). Sing me a good research story: Research dissemination and new media. ED-MEDIA 2010-World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Robertson, L. & Hughes, J. (2010). Recognizing the “Transformational” in Digital Assignments for a Teacher Preparation Program. TECHEDUCA conference, Athens, Greece, May 2010.
- Hughes, J. & Robertson, L. (2010). The Transformative Power of Digital Literacy Stories. ED-MEDIA, Toronto, June 2010.
- Gadanidis, G. & Hughes, J. (2010). Sing Me a Good Math Story: Using Online Music Videos to Share Students’ Classroom Mathematics. ED-MEDIA, Toronto, June 2010 (This paper won an Outstanding Paper Award).
- Gadanidis, G., Borba, M., Hughes, J. & Scucuglia, R. (2010). Tell Me a Good Math Story: Digital Mathematical Performance, Drama, Songs, and Cell Phones in the Math Classroom. The 34th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Brazil, July 2010.
- Hughes, J. & Greig, C. (2009). Evolution of an e-Book: Teaching Language & Literacy K-6. Edge: Inspiration and Innovation in Teacher Education: Memorial University of Newfoundland Conference, St. John’s, Newfoundland.
- Burke, A., Hughes, J. & King, A. (2009). Living and Learning in Children’s Online Play Sites. Edge: Inspiration and Innovation in Teacher Education: Memorial University of Newfoundland Conference, St. John’s, Newfoundland.
- Robertson, L. & Hughes, J. (2009). Building Deep Capacity: Multiple Literacies in Teacher Pre-Service. Edge: Inspiration and Innovation in Teacher Education: Memorial University of Newfoundland Conference, St. John’s, Newfoundland.
- Gadanidis, G., Hughes, J., Scucuglia, R. (2009). Mathematics learning as community service. Psychology of Mathematics Education: North America Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.
- Gadanidis, G., Hughes, J., Scucuglia, R., Tolley, S. (2009). Low floor, high ceiling: performing mathematics across grades 2-8. Psychology of Mathematics Education: North America Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.
- Hughes, J. & Eldridge, J. (2009). Reimagining the Teaching of Literacy in a Digital Age. The International Conference on Education, Honolulu, Hawaii, pp. 3465-3470.
- Gadanidis, G. & Hughes, J. (2009). Performing Mathematics: Students as Performance Mathematicians in Grades 2, 5 and 8. The International Conference on Education, Honolulu, Hawaii, pp. 3545-3553.
- Hughes, J. (2008). Multimodality and the New Materiality of Text: Digital Poetry. DigiLit@York Symposium.
- Hughes, J. (2004). Storied, project-based learning objects and the design of learning environments in the English classroom. ED-MEDIA, Lugano, Switzerland, 2381-2386.
- Hughes, J. (2004). Designing learning objects for language arts pre-service teacher education in support of project-based learning environments. The Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education 15th International Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, 3892 – 3899.
- Hughes, J. (2003). Mathematical Learning Objects and e-stories. E-Learn – World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education, Phoenix, AZ, 970-973.
- Gadanidis, G., Hughes, J. & Schindler, K. (2003). Pre-service Mathematics Teacher Lesson Planning with Online Applets. The Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education 14th International Conference, Albuquerque, NM, 2892 – 2895.
Other Refereed Contributions (Conferences)
Presented / Accepted:
- Hughes, J., Robb, J. & Schira Hagerman, M. (2021). Making the Transition: Examining Key Characteristics of Maker Educators. CSSE, May 30-June 3, 2021.
- Hughes, J., Morrison, L., Robb, J. (2021). Spyglasses as an Innovative Data Collection Tool. CSSE, May 30-June 3, 2021.
- Morrison, L., Becker, S., Cotnam-Kappel, M., Hughes, J., Jacobsen, M., Schira Hagerman, M., & Lock, J. (2021). Design Thinking in Makerspaces. CSSE, May 30-June 3, 2021.
- Laffier, J., Hughes, J. & Petrarca, D. (2021). Can Future Teachers Change Their Mind about Creativity? World Future Forum, April 22, 2021.
- Laffier, J. & Hughes, J. (2021). ‘Making’ on the path to wellness: How the making culture can support student wellness. SITE, March 2021
- Hughes, J., Lam, M. & Gecu-Parmaksis, Z. (2020). Thinking Computationally. The Fields Institute. November 28, 2020.
- Hughes, J. (2020). Digital Transformation in Education. 2nd Annual Conference on the Future of Learning. Toronto, Ontario, August 2020.
- Hughes, J., & Morrison, L. (Accepted). ‘Virtually’ a maker: Making in an online course to support making in one’s own community.Oshawa, Ontario, May 2020.
- Dobos, L. & Hughes, J. (Accepted). Women mentoring girls learning STEM through IoT. HEIT. Oshawa, Ontario, May 2020.
- Morrison, L., Becker, S., Hughes, J., Lock, J., & Jacobsen, M. (2020). Design thinking in makerspaces. London, Ontario, June 2020.
- Hughes, J., & Morrison, L. (2020). Making the Case for the Teacher Librarian: Their Integral Role in a School Makerspace. London, Ontario, June 2020.
- Hughes, J., Morrison, L., Thompson, S., & Dobos, L. (2020). Connecting with Multiple Stakeholders to Create School Makerspaces. AERA. San Francisco, California, April 2020.
- Gadanidis, G., Hughes, J., Namukasa, I., & Scucuglia, R. (2020). Computational Modelling in Grades 1-3 Mathematics. The 14th International Congress of Mathematical Educaiton, Shanghai, July 12-19, 2020.
- Hughes, J., Robb, J. & Lam, M. (2019). Using Design Thinking to Explore the Internet of Things (IoT). Design, Learning & Innovation, Aalborg, Denmark, November 6-8, 2019.
- Hughes, J. & Morrison, L. (2019). Just STEAMing with Creative Ideas (on a budget). Pacific-Basin Science Teaching Conference. Kona, Hawaii, September 2019.
- Hagerman, M., Cotnam-Kappel, M., Turner, J. & Hughes, J. (2019). What digital literacies are practiced during maker-based learning activities? Canadian Society for Studies in Education (CSSE), June 1-6th, 2019.
- Desjardins, J. & Hughes, J. (2019). Transition de l’éducateur Makerspace (Shift to Maker Education). Ontario Council for Technology Education (OCTE), May 9-11th, 2019.
- Hagerman, M., Cotnam-Kappel, M., Turner, J. & Hughes, J. (2019). Online reading and Multimodal Synthesis Practices While Making: A Descriptive Study of Six Fifth-Grade Students. AERA, Toronto, Ontario, April 5-9th, 2019.
- Hughes, J. (accepted). Discovering, Developing and Evaluating Maker Pedagogies from the Middle, International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement. Stavanger, Norway. January 9-12th, 2019.
- Hughes, J., Robb, J. A., & Lam, M. (2019). Designing and learning with IoT in a passion-based constructionist context. In A. Brooks, E. I. Brooks (Eds.), Interactivity, Game Creation, Design, Learning, and Innovation (pp. 760-771). Springer International Publishing.
030-53294-9_59 - Hughes, J., & Morrison, L. (2019). Re-making school culture. ICSEI Monograph.
- Hughes, J. M., Morrison, L. J., Kajamaa, A. & Kumpulainen, K. (2019). Makerspaces promoting students’ design thinking and collective knowledge creation: Examples from Canada and Finland. In A. Brooks, E. Brooks & C. Sylla (Eds.), Interactivity, Game Creation, Design, Learning, and Innovation (pp. 343-352). 7th EAI In-ternational Conference, ArtsIT 2018, and 3rd EAI International Conference, DLI 2018, ICTCC 2018, Braga, Portugal, October 24–26, 2018, Proceedings. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
- Hughes, J., & Morrison, L. (2018). Perspectives on making as a pedagogical approach. ICET Yearbook (pp. 41-53). ICET.
- Hughes, J., Morrison, L., Kajamaa, A. & Kumpulainen, K. (accepted). Makerspaces promoting students’ design thinking and collective knowledge creation: Examples from Canada and Finland. International Conference on Design, Learning & Innovation. Braga, Portugal. October 24-26, 2018.
- Hughes, J., Robb, J., Lam, M. & Firme, I. (2018). Making Digital Citizens. DigCit Summit. Toronto, October 27, 2018.
- Hughes, J., Morrison, L., & Dobos. (accepted). Deep Dives and Wide Nets: Making for Deep Learning and Inclusive Practice.Higher Education in Transformation Conference (HEIT), Dublin, Ireland. October 2018.
- Hughes, J., Morrison, L., & Dobos, L. (accepted). Re-MakingTeacher Professional Development. Higher Education in Transformation (HEIT), Dublin, Ireland, October 2018.
- Hughes, J., Fridman, L., & Robb, J. (2018). Exploring maker cultures and pedagogies to bridge the gaps for students with special needs. In G. Craddock, C. Doran, L. McNutt, & D. Rice (Eds.), Transforming our World through Design, Diversity and Education: Proceedings of Universal Design and Higher Education in Transformation Congress 2018 (pp. 393-400). Dublin, Ireland: IOS Press.
61499-923-2-393 - Hughes, J., Morrison, L., & Dobos, L. (2018, June). Exploring Teachers’ Transitions to Maker Educators. Paper to be presented at AACE (Ed Media), Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- Hughes, J., Morrison, L., Dobos, L, & Staresinic., M. (accepted). A Makerspace as Diverse as its Learners. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), Regina, Saskatchewan, May 26-30th, 2018.
- Hughes, J., Morrison, L, Dobos, L., & Staresinic, M. (2018). Movement to Maker Educator. CONNECT, Niagara Falls, ON, April 24th-27th, 2018.
- Hughes, J., Morrison, L. & Thompson, S. (2018). Science 3D: Discovery, Design and Development Through Makerspaces. American Education Research Association (AERA), New York, April 13-17th, 2018.
- Hughes, J., Morrison, L., Eady, J. & Ferguson, J. (2018). Making ‘Making’ Make Sense: Production Pedagogies and Makerspace Tools. Deeper Learning 2018. San Diego, March, 2018.
- Hughes, J. & Morrison, L. (2018). Re-Making School Culture. International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement (ICSEI). Singapore, January 2018.
- Hughes, J. & Maas, M. Augmented Reality in Elementary Education. (2017). Immersive Education (iED) Conference, Pisa, Italy, November 2017.
- Hughes, J., Laffier, J. & Morrison, L. (2017). Works of Heart. Designs on eLearning. Teaching Making/Making Teaching. London, September 14-15, 2017.
- Hughes, J. & Morrison, L. (2017). Connected Making: Collaborating in an Online Maker Community. 27th ICDE World Conference on Online Learning, Toronto, October 17-19, 2017.
- Hughes, J., Morrison, L. & Fridman, L. (2017). Perspectives on Making as a Pedagogical Approach. 61st ICET World Assembly, June 2017.
- Hughes, J., Laffier, J. & Morrison, L. (2017). Transforming Learning for Marginalized Students. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), Ryerson: Toronto, Ontario, June 2017.
- Hughes, J. & Fridman, L. (2017). Examining the Affordances and Constraints of Using Infographics in Education. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), Ryerson: Toronto, Ontario, June 2017.
- Hughes, J. (2017). Discovery, Design & Development through Maker Pedagogies. 45th Congress of the Nordic Educational Research Association. Copenhagen, Denmark, March 23-25, 2017.
- Hughes, J., Laffier, J., Mamolo, A. & Morrison, L. (2017). Full STEAM Ahead: Exploring the Use of Maker Pedagogies in an Anti-Bullying Initiative. International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement (ICSEI),
- Hughes, J., Morrison, L., & Fridman, L. (2016). Online “Maker” Modules to Support Production Pedagogies in Education. Higher Education in Transformation (HEIT), Oshawa, Ontario.
- Hughes, J., Laffier, J., Morrison, L. & Petrarca, D. (2016). Full STEAM Ahead: Building Preservice Teachers’ Capacity in Makerspace Pedagogies. Higher Education in Transformation (HEIT), Oshawa, Ontario.
- Laffier, J., Hughes, J. & Petrarca, D. (2016). The need to educate ALL students on ‘Digital Wellbeing and Citizenship’. Designs on E-Learning conference, New York, September, 2016.
- Hughes, J., Morrison, L. & Olsen, S. (2016). Re-Making Education: Online Makerspace Learning Modules for Educators. Ministry of Education/Faculties of Education Forum – Learning and Teaching for Tomorrow: Building Collaboration and Capacity. May 10, 2016.
- Hughes, J. & Colorusso, D. (2016). Using Digital Media to Shake Up Shakespeare in the Classroom. Shakespeare + Canada, Ottawa, April 2016.
- Hughes, J. & Laffier, J. (2016). Using Critical Digital Literacies Pedagogies to Re-Frame Preservice Teachers’ Work with “At-Promise” Students. American Educational Research Association (AERA), Washington, DC, April 2016.
- Hughes, J., Morrison, L., & Fridman, L. (2016). Online “maker” modules to support production pedagogies in education. Proceedings of the Higher Education in Transformation conference (HEIT).
- Hughes, J. & Laffier, J. (2016). Exploring Preservice Teachers’ Perceptions of Bullying Through Critical Digital Literacies Lesson Design. Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Savannah, GA, March 2016.
- Somanath, S., Morrison, L., Hughes, J., Sharlin, E. & Sousa, M. (2016). “Engaging ‘At-Risk’ Students through Maker Culture Activities. ACM 10th International Conference on Tangibles, Embedded and Embodied Interactions (TEI’16), Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Available at:
- Hughes, J., Petrarca, D., Mamolo, A., Laffier, J. & LeSage, A. (2016). Critical Digital Literacies in a Preservice Teacher Education Program. IAFOR International Conference on Education (IICE), International Academic Forum (IAFOR), Honolulu, Hawaii.
- Hughes, J., Burke, A. & Morrison, L. (2015). Using a Critical Digital Literacies Pedagogy to Promote Creativity and Equity. Literacy Research Association Conference, Carlsbad,
- Hughes, J. (2015). Using Digital Tools to Read, Write and Perform Poetry for Social Justice. International Federation for the Teaching of English (IFTE)/Council of English Educators (CEE) Summer Conference. New York.
- Hughes, J., & Morrison, L. (2015). Digital Tools for 21st Century Literacy Learning. United Kingdom Literacy Association (UKLA) 51st International Conference, National College for Teaching and Leadership, Nottingham, England, July 2015.
- Hughes, J., Laffier, J., Mamolo, A., Morrison, L. & Petrarca, D. (2015). Re-Imagining Pre-service Teacher Education in Ontario. HEIT 2015.
- Morrison, L., Petrarca, D., Hughes, J., & Laffier, J. (2015). Co-constructing Knowledge Through mOOC Design and Development. Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Las Vegas,
- Burke, A. & Hughes, J. (2014). Mobile Tools for Social Justice: Young adolescent learners creating digital texts for voice and agency through literature circles. Literacy Research Association Conference, Marco Island, Florida.
- Hughes, J. (2014). Comic Studies and research in the cultures of young people. Association for Research in Cultures of Young People (ARCYP). Congress, May 27, 2014 (invited panelist).
- Hughes, J. & Morrison, L. (2014). Exploring Social Justice Through Critical Digital Literacies: Two Schools, Two Approaches. CSSE, May 2014.
- Hughes, J. & Morrison, L. (2014). Two halves of a whole: Exploring bi-cultural identity using a critical digital literacies pedagogy and social media to improve ELLs’ language and literacy skills. Celebrating Linguistic Diversity, OISE, May 2014.
- Hughes, J. & Morrison, L. (2014). Encouraging Literacy in Under-performing Students
- Through Legitimate Peripheral Participation, a Critical Digital Literacies Pedagogy and the Development of a Literacy Identity. Language and Literacy Researchers of Canada Pre-Conference, Brock University, May 2014.
- Burke, A. & Hughes, J. (2014). Digital performative identity through mobile tools: Exploring identity and Agency in middle school classrooms. Language and Literacy Researchers of Canada Pre-Conference, Brock University, May 2014.
- Thompson, S. & Hughes, J. (2014). Examining the building of empathy and understanding for the bully, the bullied, and the bystander through digital storytelling. Language and Literacy Researchers of Canada Pre-Conference, Brock University, May 2014.
- Barber, W., Hughes, J. & de Castell (2014). Addressing the Digital Divide: A Faculty/School District Partnership to Increase Educational Opportunities for Underprivileged School Populations. Ministry of Education – Faculties of Education 2014 Forum, May 2014.
- Hughes, J. & Morrison, L. (2014). Express Yourself: Improving Literacy in Under-performing Students Through Literacy Identity Development, Mobile Devices and a Critical Digital Literacies Pedagogy. 58th ICET World Assembly, June 2014.
- Hughes, J., Burke, A., Morrison, L. & Lane, K. (2014). IRA TILE SIG. iPoetry and iDentity. New Orleans, May 12, 2014.
- Thompson, S. & Hughes, J. (2014). Everybody’s Got a Story: Building Empathy and Understanding Using Digital Tools. “Intentional Teaching with Technology to Increase Understanding, Empathy and Engagement” — International Reading Association Pre-Conference Institute, New Orleans, LA, May 9, 2014 (Invited Talk).
- Hughes, J. & Morrison, L. (2014). Transcending Cultural Borders Through Ning. KAME International Conference, Seoul, 2014.
- Hughes, J., Laffier, J., Petrarca, D. & Morrison, L. (2014). Co-Constructing Knowledge through MOOC Design and Development. 9th International Conference on e-Learning ICEL, Valparaiso, Chile, June 2014.
- Hughes, J. (2014). The Shift from English Methods to Critical Digital Literacies. Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Florida, March 2014.
- Hughes, J. (2014). Using Mobile Apps to Transform Teaching and Learning in Literacy. Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Florida, March 2014 (Award-Winners Session).
- Hughes, J. & Burke, A. (2013). “Transformative Teaching” – Using Apps with Literature Circles to engage community social justice in Middle School. NCTE Annual Convention: (Re)Inventing the Future of English. Boston, MA: November 2013.
- Hughes, J., Burke, A. & Morrison, L. (2013). The Adolescent Bricoleur: Constructing, deconstructing and reconstructing social and personal identities through social networking sites. World Social Sciences Forum, Montreal, October, 2013.
- Hughes, J., Hoogland, C. & Morrison, L. (2013). The Poetic Mirror: Exploring the Self Through Poetic Inquiry. Resonant Voices. Fourth International Symposium on Poetic
- Inquiry, Montreal, Quebec, October, 2013.
- Hughes, J. & Morrison, L. (2013). Identity, Social Networking and Digital Tools. Summer Institute in Digital Literacy. Rhode Island, 2013.
- Hughes, J. & Thompson, S. (2013). Mirror Mirror on my Wall: Using Social Networking Media to Promote Adolescent Reflection on the Impact of Media in Their Lives. International Reading Association. San Antonio, Texas, April 2013.
- Hughes, J., Morrison, L. & Thompson, S. (2013). Who Do You Think You Are? Who Do You Think You Are? An examination of the off/online identities of adolescents using a social networking site. YOUTH 2.0: CONNECTING, SHARING AND EMPOWERING? Affordances, Uses and Risks of Social Media, University of Antwerp, Belgium, March 2013.
- Hughes, J. & Thompson, S. (2013). Mirror, Mirror, On the Wall: Adolescents Reflecting on the Impact of Digital Media in Their Lives. Hawaii International Conference on Education. Honolulu, January 2013.
- Hughes, J. & Morrison, L. (2012). Using Digital Literacies to Foster Globally and Culturally Sensitive Adolescence: Speaking up about injustice. International Academic Forum: Asian Conference on Education. Osaka, Japan, October, 2012.
- Hughes, J. (2012). Multiliteracies: Preparing Teachers to Teach in a Digital Age. 8th International Conference on Education. Samos Island, Greece, July 2012.
- Thompson, S., Hughes, J. & Burke, A. (2012). The Writing is on my Wall: Engagement and LearNING through Social Networking. Nineteenth International Conference on Learning. Institute of Education, London, UK, August 2012.
- Hughes, J. & Morrison, L. (2012). Bringing the Bard to Life through Digital Media. AERA, Vancouver, 2012.
- Burke, A., Hughes, J., Butler, J. & Thompson, S. (2012). Be the Change for Others:
- Creating opportunities for social action through digital literacy centres. International Reading Association, Technology in Literacy Education Special Interest Group, Chicago, April 2012.
- Thompson, S. & Hughes, J. (2012). The Writing is on My Wall: Engagement and LearNING through Social Networking: An interactive digital collaboration between students of the present and teachers of the future. OFT/OADE Social Media and Teacher Learning Conference, Feb. 2012.
- Hughes, J., Burke, A. & Thompson, S. (2011). Adolescents as Change Agents: Digital Text- Making for Social Justice. Literacy Research Association, Florida, Dec. 2011.
- Hughes, J. & Tolley, S. (2011). Developing Preservice Teacher Candidates’ Capacity in Literacy through Mentoring At-Risk Students. 3rd Paris International Conference on Education, Economy and Society. July 2011.
- Hughes, J. & Burke, A. (2011). Exploring Social Justice Through Digital Literacy: Stop-Motion Animation. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), Fredericton, NB, May 2011.
- Greig, C. & Hughes, J. (2011). Adult Learners and Digital Media: Exploring the usage of digital media with adult literacy learners. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), Fredericton, NB, May 2011.
- Burke, A. & Hughes, J. (2011). I Saw it in the Picture: Children’s digital authoring using the illustrations and storylines of picture books. Reading for the Love of It, Toronto, Feb. 2011.
- Hughes, J. & Burke, A. (2010). In Their Own Words: Considering Student Design Choice in the Assessment of Digital Text-making. European Conference for Academic Disciplines, International Journal of Arts and Sciences, (IJAS), Gottenheim, Germany, Nov/Dec 2010.
- Burke, A. & Hughes, J. (2010). The Challenges of the Digital Blackboard: Rethinking Assessment in Digital Text-making. The European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Helsinki, Finland, August 2010.
- Burke, A., Hammett, R., Hughes, J., King, A. & Toope, D. (2010). Challenging Notions of Literacy: Living and Learning in Webkinz World. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), Montreal, May 2010.
- Eamer, A. & Hughes, J. (2010). Media(ting) Identities: Digital Identity Projects in an ESL Classroom. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), Montreal, May 2010.
- Hughes, J. & Robertson, L. (2010). Critical Literacy Book Talks. Language and Literacy Researchers of Canada (LLRC), Montreal, May 2010.
- Robertson, L. & Hughes, J. (2010). Preservice Teachers’ Grasp of Critical Media Literacy. Language and Literacy Researchers of Canada (LLRC), Montreal, May 2010.
- Hughes, J. & Robertson, L. (2010). The Transformative Power of Digital Literacy Stories. ED-MEDIA, Toronto, June 2010.
- Hughes, J. (2010). “I am from fantasy and reality, two worlds slipping into each other”: Adolescents’ representations of identity through digital poetry. International Reading Association, Chicago, 2010.
- Burke, A., Hughes, J. & Tolley, S. (2010). “Do you see what I mean?” – Using the visual essay to explore literature (and life). Technology in Literacy Education Special Interest Group, International Reading Association (IRA) Annual Convention, Chicago, Illinois, April 2010.
- Hughes, J. (2009). The Evolution of an e-Book: Teaching Language & Literacy K-6. EDGE: Inspiration and Innovation in Teacher Education, Memorial University, Newfoundland, October 2009.
- Hughes, J. & Robertson, L. (2009). Building Deep Capacity: Multiple Literacies in Teacher Pre-Service Education. EDGE: Inspiration and Innovation in Teacher Education, Memorial University, Newfoundland, October 2009.
- Burke, A., Hughes, J. & King, A. (2009). Living and Learning in Children’s Online Play Sites. EDGE: Inspiration and Innovation in Teacher Education, Memorial University, Newfoundland, October 2009.
- Hughes, J., King, A. & Fuke, V. (2009). Adolescents & “Autographics”: Reading and Writing Coming-of-Age Graphic Novels, CSSE, Ottawa University.
- Hughes, J., Tolley, S. & Fuke, V. (2009). But How Do I Mark It?: Analyzing and Evaluating Multimodal Texts, LLRC Pre-Conference, Ottawa University.
- Hughes, J. & Eldridge, J. (2009). Reimagining the Teaching of Literacy in a Digital Age. The International Conference on Education, Honolulu, Hawaii.
- Gadanidis, G. & Hughes, J. (2009). Performing Mathematics: Students as Performance Mathematicians in Grades 2, 5 and 8. The International Conference on Education, Honolulu, Hawaii.
- Hughes, J. & Dymoke, S. (2008). The Road Seldom Taken: Preservice Teachers’ Anxieties Around Teaching Poetry. The European Conference on Educational Research, Goteborg, Sweden, September, 2008.
- Dymoke, S. & Hughes, J. (2008). Poets in Discussion, Poets in Practice. The European Conference on Educational Research, Goteborg, Sweden, September, 2008.
- Hughes, J. (2008). Performing Poetry on the Digital Stage. International Conference on Multimodality and Learning: New Perspectives on Knowledge, Representation and Communication. Institute of Education, University of London, June 2008.
- Greig, C. & Hughes, J. (2008). Baiting Boys: Patriarchal Poetry, Gender, and Schooling. Canadian Association for the Study of Women and Education (CASWE), Vancouver, BC., June 2008.
- Hughes, J. (2008). Students, Poetry and New Media. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), Vancouver, BC., May 2008.
- Gadanidis, G. & Hughes, J. (2008). Fifth International Conference on Creativity in Mathematics Education and the Education of Gifted Students, Haifa, Israel.
- Hughes, J. & Eldridge, J. (2007). Digital Literacy in an Online Mentoring Project. United Kingdom Literacy Association (UKLA), Swansea, Wales.
- Hughes, J. (2007). Focus on Digital Literacy: New Media in a Preservice Language Arts Program. Language and Literacy Researchers of Canada (LLRC), Saskatoon.
- Hughes, J. (2007). Blogs and Wikis in Literacy Learning. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE),
- Hughes, J. (2007). Qualitative Research & New Media: Conducting Research in a Multimodal Digital Environment. American Educational Research Association, Chicago.
- Hughes, J. (2006). The Convergence of Poetry and New Media. Language and Literacy Researchers of Canada. York University.
- Hughes, J. (2005). Poets, Poetry & New Media: A Digital Exploration. Children’s Learning in a Digital World Conference. Brock University.
- Hughes, J. & Greig, C. (2005). Emo Boys, Poetry & Digital Space: Policing the Boundaries of Appropriateness. Children’s Learning in a Digital World Conference. Brock University.
- Hughes, J. (2005). Poets, Poetry & New Media. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), London, Ontario.
- Hughes, J. & Hoogland, C. (2005). Fractal Verse: A Home in New Media? Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), London, Ontario.
- Hughes, J. (2004). Learning Objects in Language Arts Education: Where Have We Been, Where Are We Now & Where Are We Going? Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), Winnipeg, Manitoba.
- Hughes, J. (Ed.). (2022). Making, makers, makerspaces: The shift to making in 20 schools. Springer.
- Parkay, F., Hughes, J., Gadanidis, G., Petrarca, D., Stanford, B., Vaillancourt, J., Stephens, H. & Harris, J. (2017). Becoming a Teacher, 5th Canadian Edition. Toronto: Pearson Canada.
- Hughes, J. & Burke, A. (2014). The Digital Principal: How to encourage a technology-rich learning environment. Toronto: Pembroke Publishers.
- Hughes, J. (2009). Poets, Poetry and New Media: Attending to the Teaching and Learning of Poetry. Saarbrücken, Germany: VDM Verlag.
Non-Refereed Contributions
- Hughes, J. & Dobos, L. (2018). Coding and Making. TVO Teach Ontario, Coding & Computational Thinking in the Classroom. Retrieved from:
- Hughes, J. (2017). Science 3D: Discovery, Design & Development through Makerspaces. Ontario Education Research Exchange (OERE).
- Hughes, J. (2017). Makerspaces in Ontario Schools. OPC Register. (Invited Contribution).
- Hughes, J. (2017). Science 3D: Discovery, Design & Development through Makerspaces: Interim Report. Ontario Ministry of Education (OME) & the Council of Ontario Directors of Education (CODE). 24 pages.
- Hughes, J. (2017). Becoming a Teacher, 5th Canadian Edition, Supplementary Teaching Materials. Toronto: Pearson Canada.
- Gadanidis, G., Hughes, J. & Immaculate, N. (2016). Math that feels good: A model for math education reform. Ontario Education Research Exchange.
- Hughes, J. & Burke, A. (2014). Creating a Digital-Age Learning Culture. Principal Connections, 18(2), p. 48.
- Gadanidis, G. & Hughes, J. (2008). Where Parallel Lines Meet. Brainy Day Adventures, Whitby, ON.
- Hughes, J. & Gadanidis, J. (2008). The Sleeping Giant. Brainy Day Adventures, Whitby, ON.
- Gadanidis, G. & Hughes, J. (2008). The Pleasure of Making Ten. Brainy Day Adventures, Whitby, ON.
- Gadanidis, G. & Hughes, J. (2008). Performing Mathematics: A Guide for Teachers and Students. Published online at:
- Hughes, J. (2007). Teaching Language & Literacy, K-6. Published online at:
Chapters Authored
- Hughes, J., Morrison, L. & Mamolo, A. (in press). Book club: It’s not a game, or is it?
- Gadanidis, G., Hughes, J. M., Namukasa, I., & Scucuglia, R. (2022). Aesthetic mathematics experiences that travel. In C. Michelsen, A. Beckmann, V. Freiman, U. T. Jankvist, & A. Savard (Eds.), Mathematics and its connections to the arts and sciences (MACAS): 15 years of interdisciplinary mathematics education (pp. 413-430). Springer.
- Hughes, J., & Morrison, L. (2021). Design thinking through passion-based learning. In D. Scott & J. Lock, Teacher as Designer (pp. 103-117). Springer. DOI:
- Hughes, J., Robb, J. & Butler-Ulrich, T. (2021). Building Global Digital Citizenship. COVIDEA White Paper.
- Namukasa, I., Gadanidis, G., Hughes, J. & Scucuglia, R. (accepted). Integrating Computational Thinking Tools in Mathematics Thinking Activities.
- Namukasa, I., Hughes, J. & Scucuglia, R. (accepted). STEAM and critical making in Teacher Education. In Handbook of Cognitive Mathematics. Springer.
- Petrarca, D., Morrison, L., & Hughes, J. (accepted). Making the transition online with alternative practicum placements. In: P. Danyluk (Ed). Crisis and opportunity: How Canadian Bachelor of Education programs responded to the pandemic. Canadian Association for Teacher Education.
- Laffier, J., Gadanidis, M. & Hughes, J. (in press). Youth’s relationship with social media: Identify formation through self-expression and activism. In S. Gennaro (Ed.), Young People and Social Media: Contemporary Children’s Culture in Digital Space(s). Vernon Press.
- Hughes, J., Lam, M., Morrison, L. & Robb, J. (2020). Virtual making: Online STEAM tools (K-8). In R. Kay (Ed.). Thriving in an Online World.
- Gadanidis, G. & Hughes, J.M. (forthcoming). Aesthetic mathematics experiences that travel. Mathematics and its Connections to the Arts andN.Y.: Springer.
- Gadanidis, G., Hughes, J.M, Namukasa, I. & Scucuglia, R. (2020). Computational modelling in elementary mathematics teacher education. Tools and processes in mathematics teacher education. International Handbook of Mathematics Teacher Education, Volume 2 (pp. 197-222). Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden.
- Gadanidis, G., Hughes, J. & Koozehkanani, M. (2019). Solving artistic puzzles in mathematics teaching. Artes em Educação Matemática (Arts in Mathematics Education). (p. 11-28). Lembrete.
- Hughes, J., Morrison, L. & Hoogland, C. (2017). U R on 2 S/th. In L. Butler-Kisber, J. Guiney Yallop, M. Stewart & Wiebe, S. Eds. Poetic Inquiries of Reflection and Renewal. Nova Scotia: MacIntyre Purcell Publishing, Inc.
- Petrarca, D., Hughes, J., Laffier, J., DiGiuseppe, M. & Van Nuland, S. (2017). Making a vision come to life: Changing how we “do” pre-service teacher education program at UOIT. In Initial teacher education in Ontario: The first year of four-semester teacher education programs. D. Petrarca & J. Kitchen, J. (Eds.). Ottawa, ON: Canadian Association for Teacher Education. ISBN 978-0-9947451-7-0.
- Hughes, J. (2017). Digital Making with “At-Risk” Youth. International Journal of Information and Learning Technology, Special Issue (Educating in a Digital World).
- Hughes, J. & Laffier, J. (2017). Exploring Preservice Teachers’ Perceptions of Bullying Through Critical Digital Literacies Lesson Design. In Research Highlights in Technology and Teacher Education 2016, Liu & D. Gibson (Eds.). Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education.
- Laffier, J., Hughes, J. & Petrarca, D. (2017). The need for promoting and developing cultural competency in future teachers. In L. Leavitt, S. Wisdom & K. Leavitt, Eds. Cultural Awareness and Competency Development in Higher Education. IGI Global.
- Gadanidis, G. & Hughes, J. (2017). Performing big math ideas across the grades. In Exploring Mathematics through Literature: Articles and Lessons for Prekindergarten through Grade 8. Reston, VA: NCTM. [Republication of following article as a book chapter, enhanced with lesson plans and digital content: Gadanidis, G. & Hughes, J. (2011). Performing big math ideas across the grades. Teaching Children Mathematics, 17(8), 486-496.]
- Hughes, J & Laffier, J. (2016). Exploring Preservice Teachers’ Perceptions of Bullying Through Critical Digital Literacies Lesson, Research Highlights in Technology and Teacher Education 2016 – Learning & Technology Library (LearnTechLib) <> (E-BOOK of finest research presented at the 2016 SITE conference in Savannah, GA.)
- Hughes, J., Morrison, L. & Thompson, S. (2016). Who Do You Think You Are? An examination of the off/online identities of adolescents using a social networking site. In Youth 2.0: Social media and adolescence: Connecting, sharing and empowering. Walrave, K. Ponnet, E. Vanderhoven, J. Haers & B. Segaert (Eds.). Springer Publishing.
- Hughes, J. (2015). iPoetry: Exploring iDentity through Poetry and Digital Media. Making Poetry Happen. In S. Dymoke, M. Barrs, A. Lambirth & A. Wilson (Eds.). London: Bloomsbury Academic.
- Hughes, J. (2013). Using Digital Poetry to Provide a Multimodal Literacy Experience. In S. Dymoke, A. Lambirth & A. Wilson (Eds.) Making Poetry Matter: International Research on Poetry Pedagogy. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
- Eamer, A., & Hughes, J. (2013). Mediating Identities: Digital identity projects in an ESL Classroom. In J. Li, N. Gromik, & N. Edwards (Eds.) ESL and digital video integration: Case studies. Alexandria, VA: TESOL Publications, pp.47-62.
- Hughes, J. & Tolley, S. (2012). Developing Pre-Service Teachers’ Values and Attitudes in Literacy: A Collaborative Mentoring Project. Ed. B. Boufoy-Bastick. The International Handbook of Cultures of Professional Development for Teachers. Analytrics: Strasbourg, France, pp. 309-328.
- Thompson, S. & Hughes, J. (2012). The Writing is on My Wall: Engagement and LearNING through Social Networking: An interactive digital collaboration between students of the present and teachers of the future. S. Van Nuland & J. Greenlaw. Social Media and Teacher Learning. UOIT e-Press, pp. 124-134.
- Hughes, J. & Robertson, L. (2012). The Transformative Power of Digital Literacy Stories. Eds. S. Wang & H. Yang. Cases on Formal, Non-Formal, and Informal Online Learning: Opportunities and Practices. IGI Global.
- Hughes, J. & Burke, A. (2012). A. Mendez-Vilas, Ed. Using ICTs in Middle School Literacy Programs. Education in a technological world: communicating current and emerging research and technological efforts. Badajoz, Spain: Formatex, 581-587.
- Hughes, J. & Eamer, A. (2012). ESL and New Media. English in Secondary Classrooms.
- Hughes, J. (submitted). Organizational ethics: Harassment policies and procedures at four Ontario universities. Sister Scholars.
Media and Media Productions
- Hughes, J. (2017). How to help kids innovate from an early age. The Conversation, August 28, 2017.
- Hughes, J. (2017). Spaces aim to help boost creativity. CNN, September 18, 2017.
- Hughes, J. (2017). CBC Radio One Interviews (6 across Ontario), September 8, 2017.
- Hughes, J. (2013). Social Action Through Digital Literacy. iBook.
- Hughes, J. & Morrison, L. (2013). Exploring Social Justice Through Digital Literacies. Research Documentary.
Invited Presentations & Keynote Addresses
- Hughes, J. (2021). 2021 Access Education: Building an Inclusive and Sustainable EduData Pipeline. EduData Summit Virtual Conference, June 8, 2021.
- Hughes, J. (2021). Perspectives On Transition And Post-secondary Education. World Future Forum. Panel Presentation. April 22, 2021.
- Hughes, J. (2021). Digital Credentials and the Future of Learning. Convergence Tech. Panel Presentation. February 11, 2021.
- Hughes, J. (2020). E-Learning in Secondary Schools in Canada. Tech for Good Canada Panel Presentation. June 23, 2020.
- Hughes, J. (2020). Future of Learning Webinar. Convergence Tech. August 11, 2020.
- Hughes, J. (2019). Critical Maker Pedagogies. Dell EMC Education Roadshow. Vancouver, February 5, 2019.
- Hughes, J. (2019). Critical Maker Pedagogies. Dell EMC Education Roadshow. Toronto, February 8, 2019.
- Hughes, J. (2018). Maker Education: The Promise and The Problems. Queen’s University. November 14, 2018.
- Hughes, J. (2018). Women in STEM: Addressing the Accessibility Aspect of Universal Design. UDHEIT Conference, November 2, 2018.
- Hughes, J. (2018). Creative and Critical Thinking in a Preservice Teacher Education Program. OECD, Paris, France, September 6, 2018.
- Hughes, J., Morrison, L., Dobos, L., Staresinic, M., Pearson, M., Robb, J., & Fridman, L. (2018). AR/VR, Robotics and Circuits Hands-on Workshops. Parents as Partners Conference, Whitby, ON.
- Hughes, J., Morrison, L., Dobos, L., Staresinic, M. Fridman, L., & Robb, J. (2018).STEAM/STEM Professional Development Workshop. GM STEM PD, Oshawa, ON.
- Hughes, J. (Invited speaker). The Shift to Maker Educator. Ontario Council for Technology Education (OCTE) Conference, May 10-12, 2018.
- Hughes, J. (invited speaker). Making in the Early Years. Greater Essex District School Board Early Years Conference, March 3, 2018.
- Hughes, J. (invited speaker). Maker Education Research in Ontario. Ontario Ministry of Education Innovation in Learning Conference, February 13, 2018.
- Hughes, J. (Invited speaker). Making in the Classroom. York Catholic District School Board Teacher Librarian Conference, February 12, 2018.
- Hughes, J. (invited keynote). Ontario Principals’ Council (OPC) Summer Institute. Toronto, August 14-18.
- Hughes, J. (invited keynote). Production Pedagogies to Promote 21st Century Learning Competencies. Canadian Institute for Digital Literacies Learning: University of Ottawa, July 10-14, 2017
- Hughes, J. (invited speaker). Leading Into 2020: Technologies on the Horizon. Technology-Enabled Leading and Learning (TELL) Project. Two webinars, February 23; April 20, 2017.
- Hughes, J. (invited speaker). Leadership Council on Digital Research Infrastructure (LCDRI) Round Table. Congress, Ryerson University, May 28, 2017.
- Hughes, J. (invited participant Twitter Chat). VR in the Classroom. May 11, 2017.
- Hughes, J. (invited “Spotlight Speaker”). Make and Tell: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Maker Pedagogies. Connect 2017: Canada’s Learning & Technology Conference, April 25-28, 2017.
- Hughes, J. (invited panelist). Women Focused STEM Panel. Connect 2017: Canada’s Learning & Technology Conference, April 25-28, 2017.
- Hughes, J. (2016). Keynote: Meaningful Making in Science. Science Teachers’ Association Ontario, 2016 Conference, November 11, 2016.
- Hughes, J. (2016). Keynote: Technologies on the Horizon. York Catholic Administrators Association. November 25, 2016.
- Hughes, J. (2016). Keynote: Making Space for Makerspaces in Higher Ed. Higher Education In Transformation Conference, November 4, 2016.
- Hughes, J. (2016). Technology, Equity and Inclusion. 2016 Technology for Learning and for Life Expo. DDSB, November 29, 2016.
- Hughes, J. (2016). Activism vs Slacktivism: Using the Internet to Take Social Action. 2016 Technology for Learning and Life Expo, Whitby, November 29, 2016.
- Hughes, J. (2016). The Digital Principal: Building Digital Literacy Competencies. Catholic Principals’ Council of Ontario, August 10, 2016.
- Hughes, J. (2016). Digital Literacies: What Does it Mean to be Digitally Literate Now? Con-Ed Conference. UOIT, January 23, 2016.
- Hughes, J. (2015). Digital Literacies in the “Relationship Age”. Creative Collisions Research Partnerships Series, UOIT, November 2015.
- Hughes, J. (2015). “Becoming a Teacher: Focus on Research to Practice.” Invited Panelist: Building Futures Ministry of Education.
- Hughes, J. (2014). Invited Panelist: Looking Forward with an “i” on Teacher Education. Creating Circles of Hope in Teacher Education, OTF/OADE Conference, Feb. 2014.
- Hughes, J. (2013). From Texts to Tablets … and why our kids are smarter than we think. UOIT Excellence in Research Talk, Robert McLaughlin Gallery, March 2013.
- Hughes, J. (2013). Exploring Social Justice through Digital Literacies: The Impact of War on Children. UOIT Virtual Speaker Series.
- Hughes, J. (2013). Exploring Social Justice through Digital Literacies: Indigenous Issues. UOIT Virtual Speaker Series.
- Hughes, J. (2013). The Intersection of Multiliteracies Pedagogy and Digital Literacies: The Impact of Media in Adolescents’ Lives. UOIT Virtual Speaker Series.
- Hughes, J. (2013). Performing Digital Literacy Research. UOIT Virtual Speaker Series.
- Hughes, J. (2012). Minding the Gaps. Durham Elementary Schools Association Conference, Kingston, ON.
- Hughes, J. (2012). Digital Poetry: A Multimodal Literacy Experience. Poetry Matters ESRC Seminar Series, University of Leicester, UK.
- Hughes, J. & John, A. (Feb. 2009). Performing Poetry on the Digital Stage. Durham District School Board Gifted Conference.
- Hughes, J. (2008). New Media, New Literacies & the Adolescent Learner. University of Western Ontario.
- Gadanidis, G. & Hughes, J. (2008). Helping Children with Math and Literacy. Whitby Central Library.
- Hughes, J. & Knaack, L. (2007). Ubiquitous Laptop Technology as Catalyst for Knowledge Creation. OADE/OTF Conference, Toronto.
- Hughes, J. (2007). Infusing New Media into a Language Arts Program: Blogs, Wikis and Digital Stories. TechnoEdge Education and Technology Summit. Teacher Education Advisory Committee (TEAC).
- Hughes, J. & Scucuglia, R. (2007). Blogs, Wikis and Digital Stories: Infusing new media into your program. Courtice Secondary School, Bowmanville, Ontario.
- Hughes, J. & Borba, M. (2007). Qualitative Methodology: Using New Media in Research. UOIT Seminar Series.
- Hughes, J. (2006). Poets and the New Media. In Good Company: A Celebration of Women in the Arts, London, ON.
Book Reviews
- Morrison, L., Hughes, J., & Fridman, L. (2017). Technology in Education: The Ebb and Flow of Educational Progress. Journal of Education for Teaching, 44(1), 127-128.
- Kids in Cyberspace: Teaching Anti-Racism Using the Internet in Britain, Spain and Sweden by C. Gaine and G. Weiner, Symposium Books, 2005. In Canadian Journal of Education (December 2006).